The real shadows linger inside
Author: Cassandra Clare

Publisher: McElderly Books
Year: 20117
Pages: 699
ISBN: 978-1-4424-6840-5

The second part in The Dark Artifices series dives deep into the shadowhunters' world, with even more drama, romance, and plot twists.
That I was eagerly waiting for this second installment is an understatement. As always, within Cassandra Clare's worlds, as a reader you are constantly waiting, anticipating and guessing which direction will this or that head towards. Lord of Shadows continues the newest series in the Shadowhunters universe, The Dark Artifices (gloomy name, gloomy tale), only to delve deeper in each character's motivations, anxieties and flaws. [Citeste tot Articolul]
Nothing is as it seems
Author: Jesse Burton

Publisher: Picador
Year: 2015
Pages: 433
ISBN: 9781447284666
„There is nothing hidden that will not be revealed...”
They say never to judge a book by its cover. In some cases that may be right, but in most it’s the cover that first draws your attention and makes you notice a certain book among many of its kind. The cover in itself is a medium through which the publishing house and the author make a bid for your time. It works the same way that packaging would and when you find yourself groceries shopping and don’t have a set list in mind the fanciest, most colorful packaging will catch your eye and it will make you buy that product.
The book that opened my eyes
Author: Anthony Doerr

Publisher: HarperCollins Publishers Ltd
Year: 2015
Pages: 544
ISBN: 9780007548699
I’ve wanted to read All the Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr since like forever. This is one of those books that ever since coming out last year picked up a lot of traction both from fans and from the critics and blew past a lot of other books to solidify its place on the best seller’s and the awards list, winning 2014’s Goodreads Choice Awards for Best Historical Fiction and 2015’s Pulitzer Prize for Fiction.
If you read you’ll judge
Author: Kurt Cobain

Publisher: Penguin Books
Year: 2003
Pages: 304
ISBN: 9780141011462
„Kurt Cobain filled dozens of notebooks with lyrics, drawings and writings about his plans for Nirvana and his thoughts about fame, the state of music, and the people who bought and sold him and his music. More than twenty of these notebooks survived his many moves and travels, and have been locked in a safe since his death. His journals reveal an artist who loved music, who knew the history of rock, and who was determined to define his place in that history. Here is a mesmerizing, incomparable portrait of the most influential musician of his time.”
The reluctant voice of a generation
Author: Kurt Cobain

Publisher: Hodder & Stoughton Ltd
Year: 2002
Pages: 400
ISBN: 9780340739396
It’s hard to think of Kurt Cobain as something other than the wild child, boy genius and voice of Nirvana. As someone that grew up in the 90’s I remember from my own childhood seeing Smells Like Teen Spirit on MTV and getting the feeling that they were larger than life because at 6 years old it was impossible to understand their magic or the power that it had over the teens that were screaming that Cobain was their idol. It then took me another 17 years before I got into Nirvana and before I could get past the wailing and automatically recognizable alternation of quiet versus screaming from the top of your lungs sort of singing that was their staple. Because you can’t get into Nirvana if you’re not one of their own – outcast, misfit, misunderstood.
The literary world under Sherlock’s magnifier
Author: Robert Galbraith/J.K.Rowling

Publisher: Sphere Books
Year: 2014
Pages: 454
ISBN: 978-1-4087-0402-8
„‘When he started the book we were still – in theory – friends’, said Fancourt, with a grim smile. ‘But writers are a savage breed, Mr. Strike. If you want life-long friendship and selfless camaraderie, join the army and learn to kill. If you want a lifetime of temporary alliances with peers who will glory in your every failure, write novels.’ ”
Modern day affliction
Author: James Wallman

Publisher: Penguin Books
Year: 2015
Pages: 368
ISBN: 9780241971543
If you’re ever bored with reading the same old, same old thing and are looking for a book that encompasses information from more than one subject area without wanting to: a) put you to sleep by induced boredom b) slap you across the forehead with a library’s worth or regurgitated information or c) spread one idea over several hundred pages that’s thinner than Kim K’s latest dress than you are in luck my friend because this book is quite the page turner!